Saturday, 29 December 2007

Less is more

There are quite strange months behind me.. I don't know excatly what is going on, but I'm feeling somehow lost and I don't have any "the New Year is coming" sensation. But it doesn't mean I'm not happy:) I didn't make any Christmas photo and probably you would reather see anything else, than a christmas tree again..

This is going to be my last post in the 2007 and I would like to wish all of you a great 2008 and if you're reading this, it means you really deserve it!! Once someone said "less is more" and that's why I'm going to post just two photos. Again, you don't have to search deep stories inside.. I like them for other reasons. Hope you'll like them too..

Mood: Probably on the right way
Music: Amy's Valerie
Conclusion: Happy New Year folks!

Sunday, 16 December 2007

Firefighter the video

Kot zgleda višek časa, ki sem ga pridobil z predčasnim nakupom vseh novoletnih daril je ponovno obrodil sadove.. če gre tako naprej, bom darila za leto 2009 kupil že marca!:)

Skupaj sem spravil še nekaj fotk iz zaloge.. kmalu vam bo jasno, da jih nismo naredili ta vikend ampak v cajtu ko je vročino bilo treba gasit. Od prejšnjega posta sem se nekaj naučil, tako da mi je zdaj uspelo sestaviti video & komad.

Nekih globokih zgodb ne rabite iskat. Začelo se je dokaj resno, igrali smo se s poziranjem, lučmi in ambientom, dokler nismo zagledali njega. Gasilni aparat! Hahaha.. 1 + 1 = 500 in kmalu smo bli celi prašni.. fotke in več o tem v kakšnem od naslednjih postov;)


Model: Polona
Komad: Ultra Nate - Free

Saturday, 8 December 2007

Detajli iz arhiva I.

Bliža se konec 2007 in s ponosom povem, da mi je letos uspelo!!! Ne, na žalost ne govorim o nobenem superfotografskem dosežku, ampak o tem, da sem že prejšnji teden končal z nakupom vseh daril! Wuuhuuu, bravo zame! Zadnja leta je to postajal že pravi mali stres, katerega se bojim še bolj kot holesterola, ki ga bom nabral med prazniki.

Zunaj je še vedno premraz za večurne sprehode, v BTCjih, TPCjih, WTFcjih, Inter-Mercatorjih itd. je bolj noro kot na kateremkoli partyju iz Gaviolija, doma pa ponovno idealni pogoji. Jaz, zunanji J:\Disk, 25'C, muzika, mir in photoshop.

Folder "Piran Sprehod" je skrival kar nekaj zanimivih detajlov, ki bi bilo škoda da se jih samo zapeče in pozabi na kakšnem DVDju..

Grem brskat naprej..

Friday, 30 November 2007

The Shot

The main part of people who follows my blog will probably know, what I'm talking about:) But on the other side I'm sure, there are a lot of others, with less free time than me (this group is called "the overbooked one" like Ciril etc:) and maybe don't know what The Shot is!? And it's a pity!

In this invasion of reality shows we finally got the right one for us - photographers! It's about 10 amateur photographers who have the chance to live out their wildest fantasies in pursuit of their ultimate dream: to become the next great fashion photographer.

The show is interesting by itself, but what is making it even more than interesting is a competitor, well known from the most part of you! Yeah, I'm talking about Dean Zulich or Dee for some of you. A man, a photographer with a very inspiring portfolio of photos and some life stories, which seems to come out from a movie!! When I was searching on the internet about The Shot (or Click!:) I found a lot of details from his life and all I can say is respect and good luck! Man, your progress in the past few years is even more inspiring than your photos!

Hehe, arrogant or determined? Who cares.. all I can say (and that's my point of view) is that it's very important to act self-confident versus everything you're going to do! In photography, just like in your life, work, etc.

In conclusion, I think we can all learn something watching this reality. No matter if most of the time, they are getting strange and unexpected tasks, probably this are the moments where it's coming out who has fortune and who is the prepared one. Dean for sure, belongs to the second group!;)

Sunday, 25 November 2007

Memories from infancy

Pomahali smo jeseni, ki nas je samo povohala in odšla. Zdaj zunaj večinoma piha, dežuje in je mraz. Televizije itak že skoraj ne gledam več, okoli mene se nabirajo sladkarije in v sobi je preko 25'C. Skratka idealni pogoji, da se lotim odpret arhiv in poskusim ustvarit kakšno zgodbico iz fotk, ki jih še nisem objavil.. EXIF pravi, da je to bilo 10. junija... mmmm poletje, kaj bi dal za 15 dni plaže.

Serijo sem hotel predstavit v slideshowu s primerno glasbeno spremljavo in 7-8 sekundnim zamikom. Ker trenutno nimam na voljo nobenega primernega programa za to naredit, mi je pomagal Mr.Google z njegovo Picaso. Ni tako kot sem si zamislil.. ni pa niti tako slabo.

O sami seriji ne bom pisal nič. Naj si vsak ustvari svoje misli..


Pa še vsaka zase..

Saturday, 17 November 2007

A view of Autumn

It has come just for a short time... AUTUMN.

Sunday, 4 November 2007

Fashion Lessons

Now, you all learned that I'm always posting things that happened almost few months ago!:) And this time will be the same. August 2007 was great!! I met one of the few realy best fashion photographers from Slovenija! I don't know how much presentation he needs, but after you will see his portfolio, it would be all clear.

He finished his studies like a fashion photographer in UK, London. Living in Izola, but main of the time working on the island. Last year he organized a big fashion event in our Port of Koper for a famous fashion magazine Issue One London, which is distributed in 14 countries with 5500 editions.

His name is Mitja Božič and you absolutely have to check out his works!

Great person, a professional, characterized by an amazing semplicity and disponibility. After five minutes of talking with him, you feel like you know each other from many years. I'm greatful, because after our first meeting he promise me, that we can go to make some shots together on a free day.. and so it was!

The photos I'm going to show, could be much better in my opinion, but at the time I was paying more attention to his suggestions and advices, than anything else. Overall, I can say I've learned a lot that day! About lighting, on how to compone a story, what is the sequence in a session and much more.

I still did not thank him in an appropiate way, so I would like to give him a little advance in here, by saying REALLY THANKS!

And a huge thanks also to the new discover of the year!! Mateja the model, my sister-in-law (but not really sure if it is the right word:) Anyway, you where great! Hope we will make a second part too..

Thursday, 18 October 2007

Nature in Me

Poletna serija, ki bo vsem pasala ob prihodu teh mrzlih dni. Dosti nimam za povedat. Mogoče bodo fotke same vzbudile kakšen občutek. Prav ti občutki pa se mi pletejo skozi po glavi zadnje čase. Kaj fotkam? Kakšno zvrst? Se mogoče omejujem? Fotkam res to kar mislim da fotkam? Se vprašate tudi sami kdaj kaj takega?

Ljubim koncepte, ideje, sporočilnost, zgodbe.. tudi fashion, ampak pravi fashion. Vem kaj hočem in kaj mi je všeč, nevem pa, če vedno delam ravno to. Fotografija je res zakon. Meje so daleč.. pri vsem prej naštetem pa vprašanje, če meje sploh obstajajo..

Polona.. dosti več, kot moj najbolj priljubljen model..

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Guess The Gadget II

Ponovno nagradna igra! Ponovno brez nagrade! Zakaj ponovno brez nagrade, se bo kdo vprašal!? Naj ostane skrivnost za enkrat..

Potekalo bo kot čisto prava nagradna igra, le da ne rabite zraven pripisat vaše davčne in da ni nagrade, tudi če uganete. Postavim vprašanje, prilepim fotko in dam možne odgovore, ..

Kaj počne Denis?

  1. Denis je spil eno kratko, opravil malo potrebo in si pere roke.
  2. Denis je spil dve kratke, se umazal s torto in si pere roke.
  3. Denis je spil tri kratke in pere flash, ker je padu v morje.
  4. Dragan je spil preveč kratkih in nima pojma kaj objavlja na blogu.

Pomoč: Vesel obraz je lahko zavajajoč oziroma posledica "ta kratkih". Lahko, da se ni umazal sam s torto. Lahko da flash ni padu iz njegovih rok u morje. *Četrto varianto sem naknadno dodal in ni pravilna, zato jo prosim ne navajajte kot možen odgovor!!:)

Pravilni odgovor, bo objavljen na Denisovem blogu v naslednjih dneh!

Rešitev še za vse tiste, ki niste kliknili na zgornji link:

Pravilen odgovor - številka 3!;) Neverjetno a? No, pa naj vam še povem, da flash še vedno dela!! Hahaha..

Friday, 5 October 2007

Italy Experience Part II.

Novi mesec, novi post. Priznam, da nisem najbolj aktiven pri pisanju bloga, kar pa še zdaleč ne pomeni da je enako s fotkanjem. Prav v tem je problem! Materiala je ogromno, časa malo in tako oktobra objavljam fotke nastale marca, junija tiste, ki so nastale lani, novoletnih pa še taknil nisem:)) Eni pravijo: "boljše pozno kot nikoli".. zame je to samo izgovor! Osnova za uspeh je rednost, pa naj gre za fotografijo, učenje, trening, s..s, igranje flavte, risanje..

Redki grešniki, ki si slučaaajno niste pogledali Italy Experience part, vam bo oproščeno s tem, da se takoj odpravite pregledat zamujeno!

Tokrat je na vrsti drugi del tega norega potovanja po Italiji. Road trip se je nadaljeval z naslednjo trojko fantastičnih mest: Firenze, San Giminiano in Lucca. Arhitektura, umetnost, zgodovina, fotografija, mesto, feeling, slikarstvo, ljudje, lepota, vino,.. in še enih tisoč ključnih besed katere bi morali dodati u Wikipediji zraven opisa teh mest. Fotke so kar deževale.. dogajalo nam je 24 ur dnevno, oziroma enih 19, ostalih 5 smo prespali:)

Rad bi pokazal čimveč, tako da bom zdaj objavil malo manj. Ker sem imel eno hudo borbo z selekcijo fotk (na koncu sem zmagal jaz) sem se odločil, da bom pokazal samo utrip Firenz. To pa zato ker si ne želim, da bi post postal predolg, bognedaj dolgočasen, hkrati pa bom dosti hitreje pripravil material za naslednjo objavo.

Enjoy Firenze..

Ladies & Gentleman
Sonce žge, oblaki mehčajo.. naravni HDR!;)

..evo fantje ideja za naslednjega Sv.Valentina! Ključavnica, verigica, ONA + ON, zaklenit pa ključek vržt v morje, Ljubljanico, Krko itd. In vaše pupike bodo čisto znorele;)
..verjamite, da včasih ni lahko.. tudi, če si to ob tej fotki težko predstavljate!:) iz svoje kože ne morem ne, da bi naredu kakšen portret pred odhodom u Night Life!
..Firenze by Night..
..still night..
Za konec pa kolaž še nekaterih fotk, ki so "padle" u borbi z selekcijo

Aja, pa da bodo vsi razumeli - C&C welcome!

Friday, 7 September 2007

My firts "Macro" attempt

I was cleaning a little bit my old files and I found some interesting shots. They were made in July 2006, when I was still searching and exploring the world of photography, with my first DSLR with a tele-lens. At that time I was shooting everything I saw!

I admire some members from Slo-foto Portal, which are performing macro photography on very professional level. I would really like, that my portraits becomes perfect as their Macro realizations:) So let's post some photos to see comments about them and judge if I have to start to save money for a macro lens!

P.S. I'm just kidding. I think I will stay on my way. But as the title of my Blog says: You never know..


Monday, 3 September 2007

So Pure

WoW, it was a veeeery busy month!! Now, I still don't have enough time to explain everything, but soon you will see a lot of new stuff on my Blog and undestrand what was going on the whole August. I like my Blog and I like all of you who are following me. That's why I'm going to train a little bit more my discipline and post more often!

OK, let's go back to the "So pure" series. I think I don't have much to say on this one. It reminds me a lot to some Nivea advertisement. Do you agree?

I hope you are going to excuse me for the long absence, with this one!

Model: Urška