..ali Welcome 27! Da, danes praznujem.
Vedno sem imel v glavi, da bom star postal takrat, ko ne bom mogel več imeti najcenejši paket pri mobilnemu operaterju. Še sreča, da sem danes šel na Simobilovo stran in vidu da je po novem Orto Smart za mlade od 15 do 30 let!!! Yesssss... še sem mlad!! Hahahaaaa.. še vedno bom pošiljal SMSe za par centov..
Pred nekaj dnevi sem prvič razvil DIA film in še zdaj nevem zakaj sem moral čakat celih 27 let, da se tega lotim!:) Super feeling! Nič PSja, nič selekcije, nič GB razdeljenih u 300 mapah, hude barve.. all in one. Zgleda skoraj perfektno, če nebi izpustil detajla, da sem na razvijanje čakal 1 mesec!!
Fotke, ki bom pripel sem "skeniral" z Canonom 400d, lepilnim trakom in omaro.. ostale bi rad skeniral na malo bolj klasičen način, tako da jih pripnem takoj ko se dokopam do kakšnega naprednejšega sistema!
Vedno sem imel v glavi, da bom star postal takrat, ko ne bom mogel več imeti najcenejši paket pri mobilnemu operaterju. Še sreča, da sem danes šel na Simobilovo stran in vidu da je po novem Orto Smart za mlade od 15 do 30 let!!! Yesssss... še sem mlad!! Hahahaaaa.. še vedno bom pošiljal SMSe za par centov..
Pred nekaj dnevi sem prvič razvil DIA film in še zdaj nevem zakaj sem moral čakat celih 27 let, da se tega lotim!:) Super feeling! Nič PSja, nič selekcije, nič GB razdeljenih u 300 mapah, hude barve.. all in one. Zgleda skoraj perfektno, če nebi izpustil detajla, da sem na razvijanje čakal 1 mesec!!
Fotke, ki bom pripel sem "skeniral" z Canonom 400d, lepilnim trakom in omaro.. ostale bi rad skeniral na malo bolj klasičen način, tako da jih pripnem takoj ko se dokopam do kakšnega naprednejšega sistema!
For the rest of the world:
Today I'm 27, but still feeling young.. I hope I'm going to feel the same way for the next 70 years..
Few days ago I developed a DIA film for the first time and I really don't know, why it took me so long to do this! Great feeling! Nice colors, no need of PS retouchment, no selections and savings on hard disk! Everything seems so perfect, except the fact that I waited almost 1 month to get it from the lab!!
The photos I'm posting are "scanned" by a Canon 400d, an adhesive tape and my wardrobe.. I would like to scan the rest in a more traditional way, so I will post them when I find some more appropriate machine:)
Mood: I'm a big boy
Music: Mario Bondi - This is what you are
Thoughts: Película rulez!
Today I'm 27, but still feeling young.. I hope I'm going to feel the same way for the next 70 years..
Few days ago I developed a DIA film for the first time and I really don't know, why it took me so long to do this! Great feeling! Nice colors, no need of PS retouchment, no selections and savings on hard disk! Everything seems so perfect, except the fact that I waited almost 1 month to get it from the lab!!
The photos I'm posting are "scanned" by a Canon 400d, an adhesive tape and my wardrobe.. I would like to scan the rest in a more traditional way, so I will post them when I find some more appropriate machine:)
Mood: I'm a big boy
Music: Mario Bondi - This is what you are
Thoughts: Película rulez!