Saturday, 27 March 2010

First-Finger, 2nd season !!!

2009 has been a great year for us!

An emotional rollercoaster, resulting in 10.000 photos and many satisfied clients. Can it get any better? We’re confident it can! And we can’t wait to see what 2010 has in store for us! To kick things off, a massive update to our galleries is here – new faces, new weddings, new happy couples.

And a new FlashTheDress. Three words: rocks, underwater, woods. Curious? Check our website! - The Evolution Of Wedding Photography!

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First-Finger Team - Dragan Zlatanovič, Ciril Jazbec, Matjaž Tančič
Flash The Dress styling: Maja Lazar
Flash The Dress make-up: Anja Kert
Flash The Dress assistant: Uroš Žuraj

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Red Bangkok

I’m back from Thailand, where I took place on the demonstration in the streets of Bangkok. I got a lot of calls in that time from parents and friends, asking me if everything’s OK, because media reported that the demonstration are becoming very hard. Well.. I have to admit it was everything but violent. Smiling children and old people were dancing in the streets, offering drinks and food for free, listening to the speakers on the main square.. they were happy to show their expressions to my camera.

I saw a great nation.

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Soon, tons of picture from Cuba, London, Italy, Paris, Thailand and a HUUUUUGE UPDATE on !!

Stay tuned.