Sunday, 4 November 2007

Fashion Lessons

Now, you all learned that I'm always posting things that happened almost few months ago!:) And this time will be the same. August 2007 was great!! I met one of the few realy best fashion photographers from Slovenija! I don't know how much presentation he needs, but after you will see his portfolio, it would be all clear.

He finished his studies like a fashion photographer in UK, London. Living in Izola, but main of the time working on the island. Last year he organized a big fashion event in our Port of Koper for a famous fashion magazine Issue One London, which is distributed in 14 countries with 5500 editions.

His name is Mitja Božič and you absolutely have to check out his works!

Great person, a professional, characterized by an amazing semplicity and disponibility. After five minutes of talking with him, you feel like you know each other from many years. I'm greatful, because after our first meeting he promise me, that we can go to make some shots together on a free day.. and so it was!

The photos I'm going to show, could be much better in my opinion, but at the time I was paying more attention to his suggestions and advices, than anything else. Overall, I can say I've learned a lot that day! About lighting, on how to compone a story, what is the sequence in a session and much more.

I still did not thank him in an appropiate way, so I would like to give him a little advance in here, by saying REALLY THANKS!

And a huge thanks also to the new discover of the year!! Mateja the model, my sister-in-law (but not really sure if it is the right word:) Anyway, you where great! Hope we will make a second part too..


CrniSC said...

Hojla Dragan, mate pa same lepotice v fimiliji! Če ne gre drugače, jih priženiš . Sister-in-law; bratova žena. Upam, da ni sestrina hahaha

Dragan Zlatanovic said...

haha, ja kot sem pričakoval, sem falil!:P pravilna varianta je puncina sestra..
sicer pa danes živimo v "modern times" in nebi nič čudnega bilo, če bi sestra imela ženo:))

Anonymous said...

...khm....ja no:)

Najboljša definitivno predzadnja:D

Elvis O. said...

Izčrpaj čim več znanja iz vajinih srečanj, dokler so "free" je super če imaš nekoga, ki je strokovno podkovan.

Dragan Zlatanovic said...

@ninch - jaaa, tudi meni je gorgeusss!

@elvis - hehe, veš da! in verjami da se od Mitje da doooosti naučit!:P

Jure Dobelšek said...


Še mi bi se radi kaj naučili iz vajinega sodelovanja...hočemo detajle!!!! :)

Tudi sam si želim enkrat s kakim majstorjem delat, da se kej naučim.

Drugače pa...vse so mi kul!

Dragan Zlatanovic said...

hey Jure, ja sej razmišljam, če bi napisal še kakšen pogled sem dobil iz srečanja itd. mogoče se spravim napisat kej čez vikend.

problem je, da danes ni lahko pridobiti znanja. večina nas je samoukov, ki ko pride do neke meje težko dobi nove poglede in napredek. No to ni moj primer, ker imam še veliiiko za se naučit, bi pa zelo rad obiskal kakšno dobro delavnico, seminar, itd itd, samo preprosto tega mislim, da pri nas primanjkuje!

Hvala JD!;)