Saturday, 27 December 2008

Kaj je prinesel Božiček..?

Objavo v reviji H.O.M.E.!

No, če smo prav natačni, ni ravno božiček, ker je revija izšla že 5. decembra, ampak spet je bilo eno tako bussy obdobje, tako da nisem utegnil prej..

Fotkal sem ustvarjalko, TV voditeljico in veliko poznavalko mode. Vsi ki objavljajo v revijah malo več kot jaz sam, pravijo, da uredniki izberejo vedno ravno tiste fotke, ki jih ti nočeš. In ja, zdaj jim verjamem. Pa mogoče mi ni niti tolko zato, ker niso izbrali tistih kot bi jaz, ampak ker ležeče fotke zrežejo in jih objavijo namesto pokončnih, pokončne porežejo, da naredijo ležeče itd.. jah, takle mamo, kaj čmo:)

U glavnem, tistega ki zanima kaj več o Lorelli Flego, naj si prebere spodnji članek!

Pa še dve besedi o njej,.. prijazna, simpatična, 100% pozitivna.. skratka ženska z okusom!:)

Še screenshot par meni ljubih posnetkov..

Ciaos, D.

Sunday, 7 December 2008


I'm back home from some hardwork! Trying to make serious, someone who is laughing even when he sleeps it's a painfull job!:) I'm going to post two really fresh photos, taken some 2 hours ago.. It's about a perpspective DJ team called "Coastronica". They love what they do, the way I love photography and that's why we made some great portraits!

For the electronic music lovers, check out their promo sets on Myspace:

Andrew Smith (the laughing one)

and Connecro (the serious one)

For some technic-chemical-forgetfulness problems, we didn't make all the shoots we wanted.. So expect a second part soon!

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Photography makes love stronger

After long time, I will try to write again some post in english.. it takes me much more time, but it's worth, even if just for one visit more! I would also like to excuse in advance for all the mistakes in the text.. my english is not perfect, but I'm sure you will understand anyway what I want to say..

Once I was already explaining how changed my view on weddings, couples and family portraits photography during the last two years.. I realize that there is nothing better than a photo full of life, love, emotions. Capturing moments and show their energy through your lens is a priceless feeling.. Usually I'm trying not to show the photos during the session, because the surprise is much bigger when they see all the story at the end. It's a kind of ritual.. haha, I'm really happy when I see how their curious expressions starts to change into little smiles.. then they look to each other, resmile again and continue to watch the photos.. At the end they are in love much more than they were before the photo session!

That's my theory on how photography makes love stronger..

What do you think?:)

On the photos Radmila & Jadran.. in love much more than before!:)

They are really great!! And now some of my favourite close-up..

With love...
