I’m back from Thailand, where I took place on the demonstration in the streets of Bangkok. I got a lot of calls in that time from parents and friends, asking me if everything’s OK, because media reported that the demonstration are becoming very hard. Well.. I have to admit it was everything but violent. Smiling children and old people were dancing in the streets, offering drinks and food for free, listening to the speakers on the main square.. they were happy to show their expressions to my camera.
I saw a great nation.
Soon, tons of picture from Cuba, London, Italy, Paris, Thailand and a HUUUUUGE UPDATE on First-Finger.com !!
Stay tuned.
Fantastic!! Really great stuff. I like it.
Very nice story Dragan! Can't wait to see more! :)
thanks boys!!;)
pa si le objavil!:) Res presenečen nad fotkami. Vedno boljši si.
Pa super si to uspio pofotkati, bravo jos jednom!
me veseli.
Kaj vedno boljši, NAJBOLJŠI! Super, super, super! Pohvale vredno, celotni blog!
wow Simon res me je presenetil tvoj komentar!!!
hvala!! res mi veliko pomeni;)
Super reportaža. Fotke so tehnično dobre in imajo hkrati odlično sporočilnost.
Gregor tnx.. čeprav se je v zadnjih dneh zadeva kar precej spremenila in ni več tolko mirna situacija.. sicer pa mnenje o tajcih ostaja nespremenjeno! super ljudje!
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