Friday, 6 August 2010

Kodak-400 in London-2008

I was cleaning up my car, while I found a 3 years old roll of B&W film never developed. Yesterday I took it to the lab.. and this is what came out.

London-2007-00002- London-2007-00001-London-2007-00003- London-2007-00005- London-2007-00007-


Primož Vintar said...

I really like the last one.

Anže Osterman said...

Vse so mi super, zadnja pa izstopa, yes.

Gregor said...

Še dobro, da si ga našel. :) Fotke so res super.

Simona said...

super fotke, včasih se splača malo pospravit, da najdeš kaj takega ;)

Teja said...

Čudovite fotke, se strinjam s Primožem in Anžetom, da zadnja izstopa.

Denis Zupan said...

Prvi portret mi je megastičen!

Ciril said...

Uf se začuti takoj film...niceee! To je moral bit čar, ko si čakal na razvite fotke kaj! ;)